Friday, March 25, 2011

Made in China

News came out recently that the city of Huainan in Anhui Province of China would soon start building a $44 million worth high-rise hotel in their sports park. The rendering is amazing - "unlike anything you've ever seen!"

The 150-meter-tall 5-star hotel consists of three parts: the top handle is an observation deck; the round part houses guest rooms; and the ball is the conference center.

This is not enough. I found out that there are actually four other structures under construction in the same sports park: an American football, a basketball, a soccer ball, and a volleyball.

Previously, that same city built a planning exhibition hall that takes the shape of a grand piano with a violin-looking entrance.

Two other unforgettable buildings in China came to my mind: the Wuliangye Headquarters (China's most famous liquor company) and the Tianzi Hotel in the outskirt of Beijing.

Can't believe your eyes? You know, these things are ridiculous/fascinating to the extent that I would rather just treat them as amusements.


Josi said...
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Josi said...

OMG! Thank you so much! I have to search for bad urban implantation and this is one of the best examples. My professor gonna love it! ^^

Greetings from Germany

alice said...

to be honest, i think the piano and the violin one isn't so bad. especially since the 'legs' of the piano 'naturally' create a nice gathering/meeting space underneath the building, and the glass violin lets a lot of light in. so form+function aren't divorced there. the overall effect isn't garish either. the other ones, though............ i can hardly look away, they're so fascinatingly bad. :D

Anonymous said...

i wonder what the public restroom building looks like